Celebrating the Gift of God’s Love

Deacon's Blog

Deacon's Blog

Retirement Plans

Posted by Richard Moore on 7/24/24

I wanted to let you know that I have sent a letter to Archbishop Hebda requesting my retirement from the Diaconate effective December 31, 2024. There is never a perfect time for such things, but I feel that this is a good time. With Fr John continuing at St ... Read More »

Iftar 2024

Posted by Richard Moore on 2/21/24

Many of us who attended Iftar last year received an email from the Minnesota Council of Churches about the Taking Heart Ramadan Dinner dates this spring. As I have blogged about the last two years, many Islamic mosques and centers invite the public to join them during Ramadan in ... Read More »

Fasting From Behaviors

Posted by Richard Moore on 2/14/24

In my Ash Wednesday homily, I talked about fasting from behaviors and facilitating changes by positive actions. I wish I could take credit for this concept but it is something I heard Pope Francis talk about a few years back and it has really resonated and stayed with me. ... Read More »

Some Winter Reading

Posted by Richard Moore on 12/20/23

Looking back through my blog posts, I noticed that it has been a while since I had recommended some reading material. With winter upon us, the long nights, short days, and cold temperatures are a good time for spiritual reading. Many spiritual writers consider spiritual reading to be an ... Read More »

National Night Out and God Provides

Posted by Richard Moore on 8/02/23

I am still basking in the glow of last night’s, Tuesday 8/1, National Night Out celebration hosted by St Pascal’s. We had a good turnout despite the threat of rain and eventual raindrops. It was wonderful to meet so many neighbors from our community and spend some time getting ... Read More »


Posted by Richard Moore on 7/12/23

Last May, Julie and I enjoyed six days of bicycle riding in Iowa's beautiful Cedar River Valley, and enjoyed worshiping on Saturday night in Cedar Rapids with the energetic and welcoming community of St Pius X. As we were worshiping, I noticed their tabernacle was in a chapel to ... Read More »

Let's Iftar

Posted by Richard Moore on 3/08/23

Last year, I wrote about my experience attending an Iftar at the Afton Islamic Center (full text below). For the past year, God has put it into my heart to return and participate once again in this night of ecumenism enjoying the hospitality of our Islamic neighbors. God has ... Read More »

Lent is About Being Kingdom of Heaven Yeast

Posted by Richard Moore on 2/23/23

For years I have approached Lent as a hopeful opportunity to go out in the desert with Jesus and spend time in contemplative prayer, and then my actual Lenten experience is one of being busy with activities in the parish and outside the parish. For many years I felt ... Read More »

The Chosen

Posted by Richard Moore on 2/01/23

A little over a year ago, a St Pascal’s parishioner asked me about the series “The Chosen”. They had been watching it and their faith and curiosity about the life of Jesus were coming alive, but they were concerned if it was appropriate for them as a Catholic to ... Read More »

Just Faith

Posted by Richard Moore on 12/29/22

As we see another year coming to a close, it is natural to retrospect back over the year and see where one has gone, done, and experienced. Here at St Pascal's, 2022 was a good year as a parish, with a continued return to more normal worship, ministry, social ... Read More »


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