Celebrating the Gift of God’s Love

Join the Parish

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

—Mother Teresa



Whatever your life circumstances, wherever you have been or has happened in your life,
you are welcome here.


It's easy to become a member of St. Pascal Baylon Catholic Church!  You can register in a number of ways:

  • Complete the online form below
  • Download a paper form and return it to the parish office
  • Contact the parish office at 651 774.1585 or e-mail Thea Munoz to have a form sent to you.

Thank you for registering at St. Pascal's!   

FAMILY INFORMATION (Please complete the Individual sections below)


Please include information for primary adults and minor children living at the address above. Family members who are 21 years of age or older should register separately.

MINOR CHILDREN (living at this address)

PLEASE NOTE: Children 21 years of age or older should register separately.

What Happens Now?

We will send you a Welcome Packet in the mail. Please fill out and return the green registration form that is included in the packet. You can mail the form, drop it off at the parish office or drop it in the collection plate. Welcome! We are glad you are here!




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