Celebrating the Gift of God’s Love

Deacon's Blog

Deacon's Blog

Selecting a New Auxiliary Bishop

Posted by Richard Moore on 11/17/21

With the recent news of Auxiliary Bishop Andrew Cozzens being selected as the Bishop of the Crookston MN Diocese, one would start to wonder about a replacement. So it was with great interest that I read Archbishop Hebda’s article concerning this in the Catholic Spirit:


It was the ... Read More »

Congratulations and Thanks to Fr John

Posted by Richard Moore on 10/21/21

Congratulations to Fr John as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. We are blessed at St Pascal’s that Fr John was open to following the promptings of the Holy Spirit many years ago when he entered the seminary to discern a vocation to the ... Read More »

Deacons and Collars

Posted by Richard Moore on 10/14/21

About 8 years ago, Julie went to visit her mother in Idaho over a long weekend. Shortly after she booked her trip I received an email from the Diaconate office inviting all ordained Deacons to join the formation classes on retreat at the Franciscan Retreat House in Prior Lake. ... Read More »

Embracing Silence

Posted by Richard Moore on 10/07/21

Julie and I love to bicycle and I notice that many people we pass that are walking, running, and bicycling have headphones or earbuds on listening to music, podcasts, audiobooks, and even watching videos. The fact that they cannot hear us warning them that we are approaching and passing ... Read More »

Bishop John Spong

Posted by Richard Moore on 9/16/21

I learned about the recent passing of Episcopal Bishop John Spong in a daily reflection by Matthew Fox. Bishop Spong was a progressive person that based his beliefs and passion on very solid scripture exegesis (study) and open thinking. He championed the inclusion of women and LGBTQ people in ... Read More »

Good to be Back and Some Prayer Resources

Posted by Richard Moore on 9/08/21

Last Sunday as we settled into our pew for some prayer before Mass, I was aware of how comfortable I felt and how good it was to be back at St Pascal's. Since the middle of July, I have made three trips out west to visit family, friends, attend ... Read More »

Outstretched Arms

Posted by Richard Moore on 7/29/21

Sometimes a scripture reading will really speak to you and stay with you. For me, it has been last week’s Tuesday (7/20) reading from Exodus that recalled God’s providence in dividing the Red Sea for the escaping Israelites. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD ... Read More »

Jesus Calling

Posted by Richard Moore on 7/08/21

Usually, I like to do a single winter reading recommendation for spiritual books, but I recently came across a wonderful book of daily reflections entitled “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young. I found this book via Facebook. A high school friend who has struggled with addiction and who is many ... Read More »

Withholding the Eucharist

Posted by Richard Moore on 6/23/21

The recent vote by the United States Bishops to move forward on writing a document on “The Meaning of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church” was a bit disturbing. It seems that now is bad timing and politically fueled, to say the least. I feel that I ... Read More »

Two Deacons

Posted by Richard Moore on 6/09/21

For the next year, St Pascal’s will have two Deacons. Our seminarian, Nate Pacer, was ordained a Transitional Deacon May 15 in his home Diocese of Rockport Illinois. If you have not had a chance to watch his ordination you can still view it on YouTube:


I found ... Read More »


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