First and foremost, liturgy is the work of ALL the people!
The assembly, all of us in the pews and on the altar, is the primary sign of the presence of Christ. The liturgy, the work of the people on behalf of the many, is the source and summit of our Christian life. Good celebrations of liturgy nourish faith; poor celebrations diminish faith. Here at St. Pascal's we are committed to doing liturgy which will foster and nourish faith, encouraging the full, conscious, and active participation of all the baptized.
In attending to the liturgy, certain roles or ministries are necessary to assist the work of the people:
Altar Server | Children's Liturgy of the Word | Communion Minister | Lector/Petitioner | Greeter/Usher | Music Ministry | Lay Prayer Presiders | Liturgical Art and Environment | Liturgical Ministers for Funerals
For further information about each of these ministries email Sharon Balcom or call her at 651.774.1585 ext. 126.