Celebrating the Gift of God’s Love

Archdiocesan Synod 2024

In 2019, Archbishop Hebda initiated a Synod process grounded in parish life and intended to discern and establish clear pastoral priorities to promote greater unity and a more vigorous proclamation of the Good News in the Archdiocese.  The Synod process began with Prayer and Listening Events at parishes, including St. Pascal's, during 2019-2020 and Parish Consultation in the fall of 2021.  An Archdiocesan Synod Assembly followed in June 2022, at which 40 Synod Propositions coming out of the Listening Events and Consultation were discussed and voted on by members of the Assembly.

In November 2022, Archbishop Hebda published his Post-Synodal Pastoral Letter, "You Will Be My Witnesses," to the Faithful of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.  In his Pastoral Letter, the Archbishop shared his thoughts about the Synod process and how to begin the work of Synod implementation.  To that end, the Archbishop, among other things, asked pastors to form a Synod Evangelization Team (SET) for each parish to assist the pastors in implementing Synod Priorities for the parish in the future.  In December 2022, Fr. John Mitchell formed the SET for the parish of St. Pascal Baylon (composed of Jaci Bush, Julie Moore, Deacon Rich Moore, Kim Roering, John Scanlon, and Mary Weyandt) to assist him in developing and implementing at the parish level the Synod Priorities.

The Archbishop established one Synod Priority at the parish level for each of the next three years.  The Synod Priorities for the next three years are:

Year 1 (July 2023 - June 2024): Small Groups
Year 2 (July 2024 – June 2025): The Mass
Year 3 (July 2025 - June 2026): Parents as Primary Educators

If you have any questions about the Synod Implementation at St. Pascal's, please contact Fr. John Mitchell, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Kim Roering, Jaci Bush, or John Scanlon.


Synod Implementation at St. Pascal's in Year 2 (July 2024-June 2025)

Synod Priority for Year 2 - The Mass


The Mass: Synod Priority for Year 2 FAQs (PDF)
Q: What is the focus of the Synod Priority for Year 2 that will be implemented over the next year (July 2024 – June 2025)?    

A:  The focus of the Synod Priority for Year 2 is the Mass, particularly the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.  In this year, the faithful will be encouraged and provided opportunities in a variety of forms to deepen their experience of the Mass and the Eucharist.  Archbishop Hebda makes the connection between this priority and all three “mysteries of the Upper Room” (where Jesus joined with his apostles for the Last Supper) which he explored in his Post-Synodal Pastoral Letter, You Will Be My Witnesses, and wants us to re-integrate these mysteries to enrich our lived experience of the Liturgy.

Q: What are the three “mysteries of the Upper Room” and what opportunities can they provide us related to the Mass?

A:  The mysteries and the opportunities they can provide us related to the Mass include the following:

  • Washing of the feet. The first mystery is the washing of the feet which, in connection with the Mass, can be expressed by showing radical hospitality before and after Sunday Mass, especially to the newcomer, the disconnected, and the stranger, as well as actively fostering works of mercy within and beyond the parish. The Archbishop in his letter emphasizes this point with a quotation from Pope St. John Paul II (in his 2004 Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine (“Stay With Us Lord”), “We cannot delude ourselves. . . our concern for those in need. . . will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged.”
  • The Eucharist. The second mystery is the gift of the Eucharist which calls us to educate about the Mass and for celebrating beautiful liturgies with active participation, so that the Sunday liturgy becomes a truly lived source and summit of our Catholic lives.
  • Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit. This third mystery speaks to the importance of living Sunday as a “day of fire,” by heightening our trust in, and recognition of, the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives to reveal God’s love, heal and renew us, and empower us to be Jesus’ witnesses. This mystery helps the faithful to live Sunday not only as the day of the Eucharist, but also as the day of fire with praying in the Spirit and going forth in the Spirit on mission.
Q: How will the Synod Priority for Year 2 be implemented at St. Pascal’s?

A:  The Synod Priority for Year 2 will be implemented using a variety of means and resources throughout the year. 

Small Groups will play an important role in our implementation efforts and the teaching content for Small Groups in Year 2 will focus on the Mass, especially the Eucharist, and its effect on our lives.  Archbishop Hebda invites all the faithful to participate in Small Groups this year either as a leader or a member.  Small Groups in Year 2 at St. Pascal’s will build on our experience with Small Groups in Year 1 during Lent, the Easter season, and the summer.  We look forward to recruiting and forming new Small Group leaders and recruiting new Small Group members, especially from parish ministries involved with the Mass (e.g., sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, proclaimers/petitioners, altar servers, ushers, cantors, choir members, musicians, liturgical environment ministers, etc.) and ministries that seek to offer radical hospitality (e.g., hospitality ministers, Social Justice and Caring Committee, Women’s Club, Men’s Club, etc.), later this summer and to launching new Small Groups for interested adult parishioners who were unable to participate before and resuming existing Small Groups this fall.

The SET will be planning other activities over the course of the year with a focus on the Mass with the coordination and support of other parish staff members (e.g., Pastoral Associate for Music Sharon Balcom, Liturgy Assistant Keri Mader, etc.) and resources (e.g., Adult Faith Formation).  Such other activities may include speakers, presentations, or focused formation events on the Eucharist and the Mass, and possibly even day trips to experience parishes or sites of religious significance in the area, Archdiocesan liturgies or events, or exploring the visual arts and architecture integral to the Mass.   


Small Groups in Year 2 FAQs (PDF)
Q: Will Small Groups be part of the implementation of the Synod Priority of the Mass for Year 2 (July 2024 – June 2025)?

A:  Yes.  Small Groups will play an important role in the implementation of the Synod Priority for Year 2 at St. Pascal’s and we will build on our experience with Small Groups in Year 1 during Lent, the Easter season, and the summer.  Archbishop Hebda invites all the faithful to participate in Small Groups this year as a leader or a member. 

Q: When will Small Groups begin in Year 2?

A:  The fall session of Small Groups will begin the week of October 7, 2024.  The session will entail approximately six or seven meetings.  It will be up to each Small Group to decide among its members whether it wants to meet weekly or every other week during the session.

Q: What will Small Groups be like in Year 2? 

A:  Small Groups in Year 2 will be very similar to what Small Groups were like in   Year 1.  Groups of 6-12 members will meet on their designated days and times on the schedule (weekly or every other week) they decide for meetings of 1-1/2 hours each.  Each Small Group will be guided by a Small Group leader (and possibly a co-leader) from our parish who has been specially formed and trained for this role.  Each Small Group will have a common format or structure, which will include prayer, personal sharing, and discussion of the teaching and content which will has been selected by the parish Synod Evangelization Team with the approval of Pastor Fr. John Mitchell.

Q: What will the content be for Small Groups this fall session?

A:  In keeping with the Synod Year 2 Priority of the Mass, the content that the parish Synod Evangelization Team is recommending for Small Groups during the fall session will focus on the book, “Living the Mass” by Fr. Dominic Grassi and Joe Paprocki.  The book, which comes with a discussion guide, is easy to read and very accessible.  The authors tell us this book is not just another book that explains the parts of the Mass.  Rather, the book helps us understand how Sunday Mass prepares us to live the Catholic way of life that we committed to in baptism, a sacrament of initiation that reaches completion in the celebration of the Eucharist.  It should appeal to the variety of people in our Small Groups regardless of where they are in their faith journey or experience of the Mass.  The parish will provide the book and discussion guide to Small Group members.  Brief weekly videos providing an overview of chapters of the book may also be available to assist Small Group members. 

If, however, a Small Group led by an experienced Small Group leader would like to pursue alternative content for the fall session, that might be possible provided the alternative content is aligned with the Synod Priority of the Mass and the alternative content and how it will be used has been reviewed in advance with and approved by Pastor Fr. John Mitchell and Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Kim Roering.  

Q: Is there a fee for joining a Small Group or for the book, “Living the Mass” and the discussion guide for the fall session?

A:  No.  There is no fee for joining a Small Group or for the book or the discussion guide.  The book and discussion guide will be provided by the parish at no expense to Small Group members.  Free will donations to help defray the cost to the parish will, of course, be welcome.

Q: How may I join a Small Group for the fall session?

A:  If you were a member or a leader of a Small Group in Synod Year 1 (during Lent, the Easter season, or the summer), you will receive an e-mail message from Kim Roering, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation, in July asking whether you want to continue as a member or a leader in a Small Group in Year 2 beginning with the fall session.  If you responded to Kim, your decision has been noted.  If you have not yet responded to Kim, kindly do so as soon as possible.

If you were not a member of a Small Group in Year 1, every adult parishioner will have the opportunity to sign up for a Small Group for the fall session at the table in the Gathering Space after the weekend Masses on August 24/25 and September 7/8.  Members of the parish Synod Evangelization Team (SET) will be at the tables with sign-up forms (newly revised and simplified for the fall session) and to answer questions you may have and help you sign up if you wish.  Sign-up forms will also be available from the parish office. 


Read more about Year 2 Opportunities

Read more about the Archdiocesan Synod

Small Groups in Year 1 FAQs (PDF)